Mar 21, 2024 | Workshops
We’ve just wrapped up our third session delving into the intricacies of Confucianism, and the profound wisdom from ancient times has truly left its mark on us. Fueled by this newfound inspiration, we’re eagerly looking forward to diving even deeper into...
Jan 23, 2024 | Workshops
Over the past two months, we successfully conducted two installments of our three-part Intro to Confucianism series. Throughout these sessions, we delved into an exploration of Confucius’s life and his profound impact on our society, culture, and thought....
Nov 18, 2023 | Workshops
The much-anticipated VegoFest 2023 on 15th October was a resounding success, and Nurtureland was proud to be a part of this incredible celebration of vegetarianism and community. Hosted by the Vegetarian & Cultural Association Incorporated (VCAI), VegoFest is a...
Oct 21, 2023 | Workshops
It was a week filled with culinary delights, newfound friendships, and a shared commitment to a greener planet. Nurtureland’s “One Heart One Aspiration” event in Melbourne from September 16th to 22nd, 2023, was a true celebration of the joys of...
Aug 12, 2023 | Workshops
We held our Tea Appreciation class for the second time in July, inviting a new group of participants to learn about the health and wellness benefits that come with savouring Chinese tea. It was an enlightening session that let participants get hands-on with the...
Jul 15, 2023 | Workshops
In our first Tea Appreciation Class held last month, participants learnt about the different types of Chinese tea, tea pots, and the benefits of drinking Chinese tea. Not only did participants gain valuable knowledge, they also had the opportunity to try their hand at...
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