Director’s Message
Nov 21, 2021 | Director's Message
Days, months, and even years of lockdownAnimals are locked up their entire lives, our lockdowns are too insignificant in comparison.Being isolated once, twice, and multiple timesAnimals are separated from their mother since birth, suffering a life of loneliness,...Director’s Message
Aug 21, 2021 | Director's Message
Faced with the aftermath of global warming and climate abnormalities, yet we, as mankind, turn a blind eye to what’s happening and have not awakened. The Earth has reached the end of an era, and our hope for survival seems faint. This COVID-19 pandemic may just be...Director’s Message
May 25, 2021 | Director's Message
Establish a heart for the heaven and the earth, establish a life for the people, inherit the best wisdom from the sacred, and establish peace for the eternal world.The awakening of vegetarianism is by no means accidental. More and more people realize that being...
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